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LangCamp 2016 (redirected from FrontPage)

Page history last edited by Laura Sexton 8 years, 4 months ago Saved with comment

Welcome to #LangCamp 2016!

This is our virtual retreat for world language educators, wherever they are, to collaborate in curriculum development. The idea started with a #Langchat discussion on Twitter (every Thursday at 8pm EST and now Saturday mornings at 10am EST) toward the end of the 2012-2013 school year, and since we couldn't all make it to the beach before school started back, we made plans to meet online to discuss changes we wanted to make in our curriculum over the summer.


How do I join?

We will be doing the bulk of our organizing through our Google Community, including forum posts and scheduling online meetings. Log in to Google and sign up here to join in:


LangCamp Google Community


Hangout links will be posted there, and if you reply "Yes" to a Hangout, you will be invited to join in the video, so you need only accept the invite from your Gmail inbox when it's time to start!


Of course you can post a comment on the Community or tweet any time, day or night, but we will be scheduling times talk to each other in real time on specific topics.


Remember, anyone can organize a Hangout and invite Community members any time, and if you make it a Hangout on Air, we can add the video to our archives!


When will we meet?

We will meet on Google Hangouts each week in July and one in August! We will only meet for 5 Hangouts this year on Tuesday evenings, but 





July 5  1. 21st Century World Languages Curriculum   
July 12  2. Unit Design   
July 19  3. Lesson Design   
July 26  4. Assessment of and for Learning   
August 2  5. Curriculum Design   





How will we collaborate?

Of course we have the Google Community and #LangCamp hashtag on Twitter for exchanges of <140 characters, but we also hope to "meet" online and collect resources, develop ideas, and generally teach each other. This wiki will be our central hub for coordinating meetings and resources. We will be using the following platforms to share ideas:



Past Topics


2015 archive page



See recorded Hangouts here!






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